San Diego USATF


2820 Camino del Rio South 130
April 19, 2000

  1. President Ken Bernard called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. In addition to the President and Secretary, the attendees were Lolitia Bache, Paul Greer, Allan Hodgert, Lillian Mahoney, Arnie Robinson, Jim Skelly, Pam Stewart, Elizabeth Tate, and Pat Thiss.
  2. The Board approved the minutes of the meeting of February 16.
  3. The President gave the Treasurer's report. The checking account balance was $3115.20 while the certificates of deposit were another $16,000. Replacement of the clock, the awards dinner, and outlays for races temporarily reduced the account.
  4. The President distributed a proposed budget.

    ExpensesNational USATF (1999)  $35,077 
     Awards Dinner (1998)  3,000 
     Convention Registration  2,716 
     New Race clock  2,400 
     Sport CommitteesMen's Track & Field$2,000  
      Women's Track & Field2,000  
      Men's Long Distance Running2,000  
      Women's Long Distance Running2,000  
      Masters Track & Field2,000  
      Masters Long Distance Running2,000  
     Sport Committees Total  15,000 
     Office Expense  6,000 
    Total Expenses    $64,193
    Total Income    $65,000

  5. Comments on the budget. Hodgert suggested that $2000 may be high for Men's Track & Field; he could not speak for Steve Scott on the women's side. Greer stated that he will spend the full Long Distance Running budgets. Robinson noted that Youth is generally self-sufficient, but they may need some equipment. They expect $6000 in expenditures for the year, but most will come out of their activities. The Board unanimously approved a motion authorizing Bernard to negotiate with Youth to rent their Chronomix. Racewalking will be determined later.
  6. The Board reviewed the Awards Dinner and gave unanimous approval for January 26 for the 2001 edition. G. Shirley will chair the awards committee; Steve Scott is consensus choice for emcee. The awards committee will designate a presenter for each award. Presenters will receive complimentary dinners. The Board approved Bernard's motion commending the committee for the 2000 dinner.
  7. Ernie Hahn Jr. is planning a 2001 San Diego Indoor Games. Bernard named Robinson and Tate as our representatives in any planning for the meet.
  8. Robinson reported that Youth anticipates 1000 registrations. They are having some problems with club switching without 90 days unattached.
  9. Hodgert reported on the June 24 Association Track & Field Championships. The meet is scheduled opposite the Prefontaine meet.
  10. Greer distributed Association Championship results for the San Dieguito Half Marathon and the Carlsbad 5000. Alisa Rodgers and Milena Glusac qualified for the Olympic Trials 5000m. The Cross Country Series directors met, the schedule is set, and flyers are going out.
  11. Skelly reported 91 officials certified. San Diego has four women "A" Trials qualifiers in the pole vault. CIF Championships start May 19.
  12. Shirley stated the availability of the California Seniors Sports Festival meet for Association Championships.
  13. The meeting adjourned at 10:16 p.m.

    Graeme Shirley

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