San Diego USATF
October 17, 2001
compliance certified by Associations Committee June 26, 2003
Amendment September 27, 2012
Amendment History
follows Bylaws
name of this corporation shall be San Diego-Imperial Association of USATF,
Inc., hereinafter referred to as "this Association," "this
corporation," or "San Diego USATF."
used in these Bylaws and the Operating Regulations:
A. Athlete:
1. Active athlete means any individual who is actively engaged in Athletics or
who has represented the United States in international competition held under
IAAF jurisdiction in Athletics within the preceding ten (10) years; and
2. Eligible athlete means any athlete who meets the
eligibility standards established by USATF for Athletics.
B. Athletics means,
inclusively, track & field, long distance running, cross country running,
road running, race walking, and any other sport discipline recognized by the
C. Athletics competition means a contest, game, meet, match, tournament, or other
Athletics event in which eligible athletes compete.
D. Board means the Board of
Directors of San Diego USATF.
E. Club means a local or
national organization whose programs involve competitive member athletes,
events, and/or education in Athletics.
F. Coach means a person who is currently engaging in the training of
athletes on an active basis, whether on a paid basis or not, and regardless of
the extent to which coaching is a part of the person's vocation, or retired
from the vocation of coaching.
G. NABR means the National
Athletics Board of Review, as established in USATF Operating Regulation 11.
H. Past chairman or past officer means the person other than the current holder of the
position who served immediately prior to the present holder.
I. Sanction means the document which evidences the authority granted by
either USATF or an Association to conduct a competition, and which also
evidences that the recipient has complied with the requirements of USATF Bylaw
Article 20 and USATF Operating Regulation 14.
J. Sports organization means a non-profit corporation, club,
federation, union, association, or other group organized in the United
States that sponsors or arranges any Athletics competition.
K. This geographic area means San Diego and Imperial counties in the state
of California.
L. USATF means USA Track
and Field, the national governing body.
non-profit corporation shall act as the governing body (as defined by the Ted
Stevens Olympic and Amateur Sports Act of 1998) for Athletics in this
geographic area.
A. Purposes: This corporation shall have the following purposes:
1. Development: Developing interest and participation in Athletics in
the United States at all levels and developing the highest possible
performance level for the United States in international competition;
2. Management: Promoting Athletics and athletes by conducting competitions
and other events, and by cooperating with and encouraging other organizations
which may do so;
3. Marketing: Generating public awareness, appreciation, and support for
Athletics and for USATF, creating opportunities for athletes and Athletics events,
and generating sponsorships to aid this corporation in fulfilling its purposes
and duties
B. Duties: This corporation shall have the following duties:
1. Responsibility to constituency: Being responsible to the persons and
sports organizations active in Athletics;
2. Coordination of scheduling: Minimizing, through coordination with
other sports organizations, conflicts in the scheduling of all practices and
competitions in Athletics;
3. Communication with active athletes: Keeping eligible athletes active in
Athletics informed of policy matters and reasonably reflecting the views of
such athletes in the policy decisions of USATF and San Diego USATF;
4. Sanctioning of events: Sanctioning competition in Athletics in
accordance with the provisions of these Bylaws and Regulations, USATF Bylaws,
and USATF Operating Regulations;
5. Participation in competition: Providing for the participation by
eligible athletes in competition in Athletics, in accordance with the
provisions of these Bylaws and Regulations, USATF Bylaws, and USATF Operating
6. Support of diversity in Athletics: Providing equitable support and
encouragement for participation by all persons in
Athletics, regardless of gender, age, race or ethnicity, or disabilities;
7. Coordination of certification and education: Providing the means for certification of
coaches and officials throughout the United States in all disciplines
and at all levels of Athletics;
8. Registration and certification of athletes: Registering eligible athletes as members
and certifying such athletes as eligible for international competition; and
9. Administration of Athletics: Performing all other duties necessary for
the administration of Athletics in the United States and to achieve
this corporation's purposes.
corporation shall be the governing body for Athletics in this geographic area,
and shall exercise the following powers:
A. Representation: Representing this geographic area in USATF.
B. Establishment of Association goals: Establishing Association goals and
encouraging the attainment of those goals in Athletics.
C. Coordination of Athletics: Serving as the coordinating body for activity in Athletics
in this geographic area.
D. Jurisdiction: Shall
have jurisdiction over Athletics competition in this geographic area, including
Association championships, with the exception that any sports organization
which conducts Athletics competition, participation in which is restricted to a
specific class of eligible athletes (such as high school students, college
students, members of the Armed Forces, or similar groups or categories), shall
have exclusive jurisdiction over such competition.
E. Autonomy: San
Diego USATF shall be autonomous in its governance of Athletics in this
geographic area, in that it shall independently determine and control all
matters central to such governance in accordance with the USATF Bylaws and
Operating Regulations and these Bylaws and Regulations, it shall not delegate
such determination and control, and it shall be free from outside restraint
except in recognition of its role as a part of USATF. This provision shall not
be construed as preventing San Diego USATF from contracting with third parties
for administrative assistance and support in connection with its purposes and
A. Individuals: Any
person who meets the criteria for individual membership as determined by USATF
shall be eligible for membership. This includes athletes, officials, coaches,
administrators, and any other sets of individuals named by USATF.
B. Groups: Any organization
that meets the criteria for group membership as determined by USATF shall be
eligible for membership. This includes clubs, organizations administering
competitions, and any other groups designated by USATF. Member groups must
designate in writing who the voting members of the group are to be, and must
make any changes to this in a timely manner before such individuals are recognized
to vote.
C. Applications: Application
for membership shall be in accordance with the USATF Bylaws and Operating
D. Suspension and expulsion: Any individual or group recognized by San Diego USATF which
violates any of the provisions of these Bylaws or Regulations, USATF Bylaws or
Operating Regulations, any operating policy approved by the USATF Board of
Directors, or any operating policy approved by San Diego USATF may be
suspended, after due notice and an opportunity to be heard by the body
designated to conduct such hearings, until the next meeting of San Diego USATF,
to which meeting action of suspension shall be reported by the Secretary. At
such meeting the suspension may be rescinded by a majority vote of the members,
or such individual or group may be expelled by a two-thirds vote.
members who are over the age of eighteen (18) are entitled to participate in
voting at meetings of San Diego USATF. No individual may cast more than one
vote on any motion or in any election. All voters must be current members of
San Diego USATF at the time that they are voting.
annual meeting of San Diego USATF shall take place in the City of San Diego,
California.. Notice of such meeting shall
be given either by (1) individual notice to each registrant at least two weeks
prior to the meeting, or (2) notice published in locally-distributed Athletics
publications in two successive monthly editions distributed no less than two
weeks and six weeks prior to the meeting.
A. Annual meeting: The annual meeting of San Diego USATF shall be held on the
third Wednesday of September in the City of San Diego, California, at such time
and place as may be fixed by the Board and announced by requisite notice of
such meeting.
B. Regular meetings: See Paragraph X.B.2 below.
C. Special meetings: Upon receipt by the Secretary (or, in the absence of the
Secretary, the President) of the Association of a petition clearly stating
reasons for so doing, a special meeting of the Association or a Sport Committee
shall be noticed and held to consider the proposal(s) of the petitioners. Said
petition must be signed by at least 15% of the registrants, either of the
Association, or, in the case of Sport Committees, of those registrants who have
chosen that Committee as their primary interest for voting purposes.
D. Meeting procedures: The following shall govern the conduct of all meetings of
San Diego USATF.
1. Notification of meetings:
a. Distribution: Notice of the meeting must be distributed by mail,
newsletter, local Association web site, and/or the National Office's web site.
b. Web site use: If a web site is to be used to inform members of the
meeting, then members must be informed where to find information on the web
site through a mailing or newsletter.
c. Prior arrival: The initial meeting notice must be sent by means under which
it will arrive at least thirty (30) days prior to the meeting.
d. Changes: Any notice of a meeting change must be at least 14 days
prior to the meeting.
(1) Publication of agenda: The proposed agenda shall be included
along with the meeting notice. Agendas should also be available at the time of
the meeting; additional items added to the agenda shall not include any item
where action of the committee is necessary, unless seventy-five percent (75%)
of the members of the group then present agree to such action.
(2) Open conduct of business: All meetings of San Diego USATF shall be
open to all individual members of the Association except as otherwise provided.
There shall be a specified time period in the meeting where any member may give
input or make a brief statement.
(3) Closed or executive sessions: No part of any meeting shall be closed
unless seventy-five percent (75%) of the members of the group then present
agree to close the session.
(4) Record of a meeting: The Association and all of its committees
shall have a recording secretary. Within thirty (30) days of the meeting, draft
minutes should be posted on the Internet. All written reports or a summary of
such reports shall be distributed with the draft minutes.
E. Quorum: A quorum is the
members present. However, if fewer than half the Board is present, no items may
be added to the agenda which (1) authorize expenditures of $1000 or more, (2)
change the Bylaws, or (3) expel a member.
F. Agenda: Prior to each meeting of San Diego USATF, the Secretary
shall consult with the President on the agenda. The Secretary shall prepare an
agenda to be presented to the members at the start of the meeting as one of the
first orders of business. Such agenda items shall include, but not be limited
1. Attendance: Record the attendance.
2. Minutes: Accept the minutes of the previous meeting.
3. Financial report: Accept the Treasurer's report and approve
the budget.
4. Reports: Receive reports from the President and Officers and
committee chairmen.
5. Amendments: Act on proposed amendments.
6. Elections: Conduct elections as directed by these Bylaws.
7. Site selections: Accept reports on site selection by sport
8. Awards: Select award winners.
9. Other business: Conduct new or old business as scheduled.
10. Good
and Welfare
11. Adjournment
G. Rules of Order: Questions of order shall be decided by the chairman in
accordance with Robert's Rules of Order (Newly Revised) unless otherwise
provided by these Bylaws. Decisions by the chairman may be appealed to the
Association parliamentarian. The Secretary shall act as parliamentarian for all
meetings of San Diego USATF.
following guidelines shall apply to all elections for Officers in San Diego
A. Election notice:
1. Distribution: Notice of the election must be distributed by mail,
newsletter, local Association web site, and/or the National Office's web site.
2. Web site use: If a web site is to be used to inform members of the
election, then members must be informed where to find information on the web
site through a mailing or newsletter.
3. Prior arrival: The initial election notice must be sent by means under
which it will arrive at least thirty (30) days prior to the beginning of the
elections process.
4. Changes: Any notice of an election change or a change in the election
process, not previously publicized, must be distributed at least 14 days prior
to the election.
B. Nominating process:
1. Nominating committee: The Board, at the August meeting in
even-numbered years, shall act as a nominating committee.
2. Election nominations: Nominations may be made from the floor.
3. Membership and age criteria: A candidate must be a member of the
Association who is at least 18 years of age at the start of the term of office.
4. Nominations and seconds: A candidate needs one (1) nominator and
one (1) seconder who are both members of the Association.
C. Voter criteria:
1. Ballots: On any single issue no individual shall cast more than one
2. Proxies: There shall be no proxy voting.
3. Minimum age: Voters must be a minimum of age eighteen (18) on the day of
the election.
4. Voting membership deadline: Except for renewals from the previous
year, individuals must be members for at least thirty (30) days prior to the
date of the election. (For example, if the election is held on September 20,
the membership must be paid in full by August 20.)
D. Conduct of voting: San Diego USATF shall use an open meeting ballot where all
members of the Association are eligible to attend and vote.
1. Disputes: Voting eligibility disputes must be resolved before the
election process is started (i.e. before taking nominations and/or before the
report of the nominating committee).
2. Uncontested: Uncontested elections may be voted by acclamation.
3. Ballot type: A secret ballot must be used for contested elections.
4. Ballot Count: Any ballot opened outside the presence of the entire voting
panel shall not be counted.
E. Counting of ballots:
1. Voting Panel: A panel of at least three (3) individuals, at least one (1)
of whom must be an athlete, shall count the ballots and sign the vote tally.
All panel members shall be at least 18 years of age. The panel shall not
include any individual who is a candidate for an office.
2. Consultation: The panel may consult as necessary with the Association's
President, Secretary, and/or parliamentarian (so long as they are not
candidates for offices) on procedural matters.
F. Committee chairmen:
1. Age and terms: All committee chairmen, whether elected or appointed, shall
be at least 18 years of age and members of the Association. Committee chairmen
shall be elected or appointed for one year terms which expire at the Annual
2. Election: When requested by two (2) or more member organizations of
the Association who compete in a given discipline, the sport committee chairman
for that discipline shall be elected. When a committee chairman is elected, the
election shall take place at a meeting which is held separately from the
general elections, either by time or location, and, at a minimum, shall be
advertised to all member organizations in the Association active in the
discipline. Requests for elections must be made at least 45 days before the San
Diego/Imperial Annual Meeting, and the election must take place prior to the
San Diego/Imperial Annual Meeting.
G. National delegates: Delegates to the USATF Annual Meeting shall be appointed at
the Annual Meeting.
H. Majority requirement:
1. Officers: All Officers of the Association must be elected by a
majority of the ballots cast.
2. Run-off candidates: In the event no candidate receives a
majority in the first round of balloting for an office, a run-off election will
be held between the two candidates receiving the highest number of votes.
I. Election protests:
1. Operating Regulation 11: Except as indicated below, USATF Operating
Regulation 11 shall apply to election disputes. Protests may only be made after
the election process is concluded.
2. Panel composition: An NABR panel from a different USATF
region shall be appointed to conduct the hearing. All hearings shall be by
conference call.
3. Invalidation: The NABR panel shall invalidate an election if it is found
that one or more infractions occurred and likely changed the outcome of an
4. Further action: The NABR panel may recommend or require
changes for future elections in the Association.
J. Employees and elections: Current employees (employed within the
past ninety days) shall not participate in any part of the elections process
(including nominations or campaigning), but shall be permitted to vote if they
are members and otherwise eligible.
A. Positions: The
Officers of San Diego USATF shall be: a President, a Vice President, a
Secretary, and a Treasurer. No individual may be an officer of San Diego USATF
who is also an officer of another sport governing body at the local or national
B. Duties: The Officers shall
perform the following duties as well as any other duties prescribed by these
Bylaws or Regulations, USATF Bylaws or Operating Regulations, or the Board.
1. President: The President shall:
a. Preside at all meetings of USATF and its Board
b. Be an ex officio non-voting member of all committees
c. Subject to the direction of the Board, shall
manage and supervise the affairs of USATF
d. Select committee chairmen and other such members
that he or she is entitled to appoint as well as other appointments authorized
by these Bylaws after consultation with the other Officers. He or she may
likewise terminate such appointments for good cause upon written notice to such
appointees and the other Officers.
2. Vice President: The Vice President shall:
a. Perform duties assigned by the President and
b. In the temporary absence of the President from a meeting, serve as
acting chairman
c. In the case of disability of the President,
perform the duties of that office until a successor is named
3. Secretary: The Secretary shall keep or cause to be kept all records of
San Diego USATF, and all minutes of meetings of San Diego USATF and its Board,
and, in general shall perform all duties normally pertaining to the office of
secretary. In addition, the Secretary shall serve as liaison to the
administrative division of committees.
4. Treasurer: The Treasurer shall keep or cause to be kept a correct and
complete record of account, showing accurately at all times the financial
condition of San Diego USATF, and in general perform all duties normally
pertaining to the office of treasurer.
C. Election: All
Officers are to be elected for two-year terms of office at the Annual Meeting
in even-numbered years. A person may not hold two Officer positions simultaneously.
D. Succession and vacancies: There shall be no order of succession to any office. In the
event the Board determines that an Officer is temporarily unable to serve, it
may, in its sole discretion, name another Officer to fill the vacancy
temporarily. In the event an Officer resigns or is permanently unable to serve,
the Board shall name a successor until the following annual meeting, subject to
the limitation in paragraph C above, at which time a special election shall be
held for the unexpired portion of the term.
E. Removal from office: Any Officer of San Diego USATF may be removed for good cause
by a two-thirds vote of those members of the Association present and voting at
an Annual Meeting or special meeting called for this purpose, and provided the
requisite notice for such meeting (see Article VII above) shall properly
set forth the removal vote on its agenda.
A. Composition: The
voting membership of the Board shall be as follows:
1. The Officers of San Diego USATF (4 persons)
2. The immediate past president (1 person)
3. The chairmen of the following sport committees (8 persons)
a. Men's Track & Field
b. Women's Track & Field
c. Masters Track & Field
d. Men's Long-Distance Running
e. Women's Long-Distance Running
f. Masters Long-Distance Running
g. Youth
h. Race Walking
4. The chairmen of the following sport committees (3 persons)
a. Athletes Advisory
b. Athletics for the Disabled
c. Records
d. Rules and Law & Legislation
5. The chairman of the Officials Committee (1 person)
6. A coach elected by and from the Coaching Advisory Committee (1
7. At least that number of eligible athletes which shall constitute
twenty percent (20%) of the Board, all of whom must be at least 18 years of
age, and at least one of whom must have participated in international
competition for the USA within the last ten (10) years, where
B. General provisions
1. Fiduciary responsibility: The Board shall manage and supervise the
affairs of the Association and perform those duties specified in these Bylaws.
2. Meetings
of the Board: The Board shall conduct its affairs at
meetings on the third Wednesday of each month. Additional meetings may be
called by the President or upon the written request of fifty percent of the
members of the Board, and if by the latter group, only after a minimum prior
notice of five (5) days to the President of such intent by facsimile or eMail. At least seven (7) days notice
of any in-person meeting and at least forty-eight (48) hours
notice of any conference call shall be given to all members of the
Board. After the members of the Board have called for a meeting, the President
shall have twenty-four (24) hours to determine the venue and make appropriate
notice to the remainder of the Board. For any meeting, notice may be waived by
unanimous consent. Written notice shall include the minutes of the previous
C. Election or selection of members: All members of the Board are elected by
their constituencies and shall serve at the discretion of those constituencies,
unless otherwise stated in these Bylaws.
D. Terms: The term for Board
members which is not otherwise set by their terms of office shall be one year
and shall commence at the conclusion of the Annual Meeting.
E. Quorum: A quorum for
meetings of the Board shall consist of a majority of the members of the Board.
F. Voting: Except as otherwise provided herein, all matters shall be
decided by majority vote of those present and voting. There shall be no voting
by proxy.
G. Board committees: The Board may have committees including, but not limited to,
budget, audits, compensation, insurance, and grants. Each Board committee will
have no more than five (5) members, at least one (1) of whom must be a Board
member. The President shall appoint the members with the approval of the Board.
H. Expulsion: Failure
to participate in two (2) consecutive meetings may, by a 2/3 vote of the Board
members attending, cause reprimand or expulsion of the member or
XI. COMMITTEES — General Provisions
A. Committees: The
following committees of San Diego USATF are established with such duties,
responsibilities, and make-up as outlined here and in the following Article for
each type of committee:
1. Men's Track & Field
2. Women's Track & Field
3. Masters Track & Field
4. Men's Long-Distance Running
5. Women's Long-Distance Running
6. Masters Long-Distance Running
7. Youth
8. Race Walking
9. Athletics for the Disabled
10. Athletes Advisory
11. Coaching Advisory
12. Officials
13. Records
14. Rules and Law &
B. General provisions: The following provisions apply to all of USATF's committees.
1. Term of members: Unless otherwise provided for, the term
for members of all committees shall be one year and shall commence at the
conclusion of the Annual Meeting.
2. Committee
makeup: The makeup of each non-sport committee
shall be stated in the description for the committee. Sport committees shall be
constituted as follows.
a. Association group members: One (1) member to be named by each
Association member club or organization active in the discipline of the
b. Sports organization members: One (1) member who is a resident of San
Diego USATF to be named by each sports organization listed in Exhibit B
(Article XX below) that conduct substantial programs or competitions in
the sports discipline of the particular committee
c. Athletics for the Disabled members: One (1) member to represent the collective
disabled members of San Diego USATF
d. Officials Committee member: One (1) member to be named by and from the
Association Officials Committee
e. At-large members: Three (3) at-large members to be selected
by the members of the committee
f. Elected officers and other positions: Any person elected by the committee to
serve in an officer position, such number not to exceed four (4) additional
g. Active athlete members: At least that number of active athletes
which shall constitute twenty percent (20%) of the total authorized membership
of the committee, such active athletes to be selected by the active athletes
engaged in the particular sport discipline of the committee. For Youth
Athletics, the athletes advisory committee
shall appoint four (4) active athletes.
3. Committee membership and notification:
a. Notification & vacancies: Any election, selection, or appointment to
a committee shall be effective only after the Association Secretary or
committee chairman is formally notified by the organization or other party
entitled to make same. Vacancies in a committee shall be filled by the
committee, individual, organization, or group entitled to appoint the vacant
committee membership position. The Athletes Advisory Committee chairman may
appoint an active athlete from the applicable discipline to fill an athlete
vacancy and/or serve as a voting alternate on any committee except Masters
Track & Field and Masters Long Distance Running. In the latter two
committees, where a vacancy occurs and no alternate is available, the vacancy
may be filled by the consent of the athlete representatives present.
b. Elections: The provisions of Article VIII above shall apply
to the elections process of committees.
c. Alternates: The individual or group electing or selecting members of any
committee or subcommittee (other than committee members elected by San Diego
USATF or its Board) may designate an alternate. Appointment of alternates shall
be reported to the Association Secretary or committee chairman in a timely
d. Membership: All elected and appointed members of all committees shall be
members of San Diego USATF.
e. Termination: Organizations or groups which appoint committee members per
this section may terminate such appointments for good cause upon written notice
to such appointees.
f. Same Organization: No more than two (2) at-large members of
any committees, other than the chairman, appointed by the President may come
from the same organization.
g. Listings: Under every committee member's name in the USATF Directory
shall be listed (a) their Association or (b) the governing organization they
(1) Committee meetings: Each committee shall hold at least an
annual meeting, which may be in conjunction with the Annual Meeting of San
Diego USATF. Committees shall hold such special meetings as may be called by
the chairman, at his or her own initiative, or that of twenty percent (20%) of
the membership of the committee, upon twenty (20) days written notice. In the
latter case and in the absence of the willingness of the chairman to call a
meeting, the notice of a special meeting shall be distributed to all committee
members at the direction of the Association Secretary upon verification that the
requirement of twenty percent (20%) has been met. The notice of a special
meeting shall be in writing, setting forth the date, time, place, and purpose
of the meeting, and shall be mailed to the last known address of each committee
(2) Quorum: A quorum for any committee meeting shall consist of
twenty-five percent (25%) of its members.
(3) Athlete representation: Except for the Youth Athletics Committee
and its subcommittees, all Association committees, subcommittees, or other
appointed or elected bodies of San Diego USATF shall consist of at least twenty
percent (20%) active athletes. At least twenty-five percent (25%) of the active
athletes shall have competed for the United States in international
competition within the last ten (10) years, if such athletes are available.
(4) Committee responsibility: Any committee project or grant which
requires applicants to file a written request form must also require a
certification that the Association President and sport chairman (if
appropriate) have been notified of the application. Any USATF national
committee awarding funding for projects or events to be held in San Diego USATF
must notify the Association President in writing of the date and scope of the
activity to be held in the Association.
C. Committee chairmen: The chairman of each applicable committee shall be elected
in accordance with San Diego USATF's voting procedures (see Article VIII
above) for a one-year term. Unless otherwise specified, the chairmen of all
committees shall be appointed by the Association President. Non-sport
committees which elect their chairmen may also elect an executive committee to
act on behalf of the committee between committee meetings.
1. Duties of chairmen: chairmen of all committees shall:
a. Preside at all meetings of the committee
b. Ensure that all duties and responsibilities of the committee are
properly and promptly carried out
c. Appoint subcommittees with the authorization of the committee,
as may be necessary to fulfill the duties and responsibilities of the
committee. Subcommittees of administrative and developmental committees shall
be appointed only from the membership of those committees, except that
non-members (not exceeding 50% of the subcommittee) may be appointed with the
authorization of the committee.
d. Communicate with the committee members to keep them fully informed of events
concerning the committee and decisions made to carry out the committee's
e. Keep the President informed on all committee actions and
f. Cause to be kept and promptly forwarded to all committee
members and the Association Secretary copies of the minutes of all meetings of
the committee
2. Vacancies: When an elected committee chairman is vacant, the position
shall be filled by a vote of the committee as a whole by mail ballot unless the
committee has previously adopted a different procedure. A panel named by the
Association President shall supervise the elections in a manner approved by the
3. Removal of elected chairmen: Chairmen may be removed for good cause by
a two-thirds vote of the committee at an annual meeting or at a special meeting
called for that purpose, provided that the members of the committee shall
receive notice of the proposed action at least twenty (20) days prior to the
D. Sport committees general provisions: Each sport committee shall:
1. Executive committee: Have the right to establish an executive
committee to perform its duties between annual meetings. The membership of the
executive committee shall be at the discretion of the committee of the whole.
Except for Youth Athletics, the number of active athletes shall be at least
twenty percent (20%) of the committee. If such executive committee is
established by either the Men's or Women's Track & Field Committees, at
least one-third of its membership shall consist of individuals whose vocation
includes the administration or coaching of school/college community track &
2. Open meeting: Except upon majority vote of those present, allow the
attendance at its meetings of Athletics coaches, officials, or representatives
of any group engaged in the sport, allowing such invitees voice but no vote
3. Miscellaneous: Promote and develop activities related to its sport
4. Operating procedures: Have a set of written operating procedures
on file with the Association Secretary. These procedures shall not conflict
with the provisions of the USATF Bylaws and Operating Regulations or these Bylaws.
Any modification of the committee's operating procedures shall be promptly
reported to the Secretary. Any member of San Diego USATF may request a copy
from the Secretary and copies shall be available at the Annual Meeting.
E. Task forces: The
President may appoint task forces. No such entity shall continue beyond the
term of the President without specific reappointment. The authorized task
forces will be reported in the minutes of the next meeting.
A. Men's Track & Field Committee:
1. Duties and responsibilities: In addition to the provisions of
Article XI above the Men's Track & Field committee shall:
a. Championships: Have jurisdiction over the Association Championships in
Men's Track & Field, and shall institute, locate or award, conduct, and
manage all such championships in accordance with the provisions of USATF
Operating Regulation 4;
b. Calendar: Coordinate the local and domestic competition calendar in
Men's Track & Field; and
c. Records: Approve records for the events within Men's Track &
2. Committee definition:
a. Age categories:
(1) Senior athletes are of any age 14 years and over; and
(2) Junior athletes must be at least age 14 on the day of
competition and under age 20 on December 31 in the year of the competition.
b. Jurisdiction: Indoor and outdoor track & field activity for junior and
senior men, not including track races of greater than 10,000 meters
3. Makeup: The Men's Track & Field committee shall be constituted
as stated in Section XI.B.2 above.
B. Women's Track & Field Committee:
1. Duties and responsibilities: In addition to the provisions of
Article XI above the Women's Track & Field committee shall:
a. Championships: Have jurisdiction over the Association Championships in
Women's Track & Field, and shall institute, locate or award, conduct, and
manage all such championships in accordance with the provisions of USATF
Operating Regulation 4;
b. Calendar: Coordinate the local and domestic competition calendar in
Women's Track & Field; and
c. Records: Approve records for the events within Women's Track &
2. Committee definition:
a. Age categories:
(1) Senior athletes are of any age 14 years and over; and
(2) Junior athletes must be at least age 14 on the day of
competition and under age 20 on December 31 in the year of the competition.
b. Jurisdiction: Indoor and outdoor track & field activity for junior and
senior women, not including track races of greater than 10,000 meters
3. Makeup: The Women's Track & Field committee shall be constituted
as stated in Section XI.B.2 above.
C. Race Walking Committee:
1. Duties and responsibilities: In addition to the provisions of
Article XI above the Race Walking committee shall:
a. Championships: Have jurisdiction over the Association Championships in Race
Walking, and shall institute, locate or award, conduct, and manage all such
championships in accordance with the provisions of USATF Operating Regulation
b. Calendar: Coordinate the local and domestic competition calendar in
Race Walking; and
c. Records: Approve records for the events within Race Walking.
2. Committee definition:
a. Age categories:
(1) Senior athletes are of any age 14 years and over; and
(2) Junior athletes must be at least age 14 on the day of
competition and under age 20 on December 31 in the year of the competition.
b. Jurisdiction: All race walking activity for junior and senior men and
3. Makeup: The Race Walking committee shall be constituted as stated in
Section XI.B.2 above.
D. Men's Long Distance Running Committee:
1. Duties and responsibilities: In addition to the provisions of
Article XI above the Men's Long Distance Running committee shall:
a. Championships: Have jurisdiction over the Association Championships in
Men's Long Distance Running, and shall institute, locate or award, conduct, and
manage all such championships in accordance with the provisions of USATF
Operating Regulation 4;
b. Calendar: Coordinate the local and domestic competition calendar in
Men's Long Distance Running; and
c. Records: Approve records for the events within Men's Long Distance
2. Committee definition:
a. Age categories:
(1) Senior athletes are of any age 14 years and over; and
(2) Junior athletes must be at least age 14 on the day of
competition and under age 20 on December 31 in the year of the competition.
b. Jurisdiction: Off-track running at all distances, track running at
distances over 10,000 meters, and cross country running for junior and senior
3. Makeup: The Men's Long Distance Running committee shall be
constituted as stated in Section XI.B.2 above.
E. Women's Long Distance Running Committee:
1. Duties and responsibilities: In addition to the provisions of
Article XI above the Women's Long Distance Running committee shall:
a. Championships: Have jurisdiction over the Association Championships in Women's Long
Distance Running, and shall institute, locate or award, conduct, and manage all
such championships in accordance with the provisions of USATF Operating
Regulation 4;
b. Calendar: Coordinate the local and domestic competition calendar in
Women's Long Distance Running; and
c. Records: Approve records for the events within Women's Long Distance
2. Committee definition:
a. Age categories:
(1) Senior athletes are of any age 14 years and over; and
(2) Junior athletes must be at least age 14 on the day of
competition and under age 20 on December 31 in the year of the competition.
b. Jurisdiction: Off-track running at all distances, track running at distances
over 10,000 meters, and cross country running for junior and senior women
3. Makeup: The Women's Long Distance Running committee shall be constituted
as stated in Section XI.B.2 above.
F. Masters Long Distance Running Committee:
1. Duties and responsibilities: In addition to the provisions of
Article XI above the Masters Long Distance Running committee shall:
a. Championships: Have jurisdiction over the
Association Championships in Masters Long Distance Running, and shall
institute, locate or award, conduct, and manage all such championships in accordance
with the provisions of USATF Operating Regulation 4;
b. Calendar: Coordinate the local and domestic competition calendar
in Masters Long Distance Running; and
c. Records: Approve records for the events within
Masters Long Distance Running.
2. Committee definition:
a. Age category:
(1) Masters athletes shall be at least age 40 on the day of
b. Jurisdiction: Off-track running at all distances, track running at distances
over 10,000 meters, and cross country running for masters
men and women
3. Makeup: The Masters Long Distance Running committee shall be constituted
as stated in Section XI.B.2 above.
G. Masters Track & Field Committee:
1. Duties and responsibilities: In addition to the provisions of
Article XI above the Masters Track & Field committee shall:
a. Championships: Have jurisdiction over the Association Championships in
Masters Track & Field, and shall institute, locate or award, conduct, and
manage all such championships in accordance with the provisions of USATF
Operating Regulation 4;
b. Calendar: Coordinate the local and domestic competition calendar in
Masters Track & Field; and
c. Records: Approve records for the events within Masters Track &
2. Committee definition:
a. Age category:
(1) Masters athletes shall be at least age 40 on the day of
b. Jurisdiction: All track, field, and race walking activity for masters men and women, except track running races of greater
than 10,000 meters
3. Makeup: The Men's Track & Field committee shall be constituted
as stated in Section XI.B.2 above.
H. Youth Athletics Committee:
1. Duties and responsibilities: In addition to the provisions of
Article XI above the Youth Athletics committee shall:
a. Championships: Have jurisdiction over the Association Championships in
Youth Athletics, and shall institute, locate or award, conduct, and manage all
such championships in accordance with the provisions of USATF Operating
Regulation 4;
b. Calendar: Coordinate the local and domestic competition calendar in
Youth Athletics; and
c. Records: Approve records for the events within Youth Athletics.
2. Committee definition:
a. Age category:
(1) Youth athletes shall not be 19 before the final day of the National Junior
Olympics Track & Field competition and are divided into specified age
b. Jurisdiction: All youth activity not conducted as junior competition for
youth boys and girls, including track & field, road running, cross country
running, and race walking
3. Makeup: The Youth Athletics committee shall be constituted as stated
in Section XI.B.2 above.
I. Associations Liaison:
1. Duties and responsibilities: The Associations Liaison shall:
a. Communication: Communicate with other Associations of USATF;
b. Examples: Collect and provide samples of model Association bylaws,
policies, and operations manuals;
c. Clearinghouse: Assemble and disseminate information to the National Office
on registration and membership, events, schedules, services to athletes, and
Association statistics;
d. Association standards: Assist the Association in understanding
accreditation in implementation and formulating plans for improvement; and
e. Resource: Both advise and serve as a resource for the Association, its
officers, and its boards, either individually or collectively, with respect to
current fund-raising and marketing & media practices and policies which
might be applicable to its particular needs and situations.
2. Appointment: The Associations liaison shall be appointed by the President
with the approval of the Board.
J. Athletes Advisory Committee:
1. Duties and responsibilities: The Athletes Advisory committee shall:
a. Policy advice: Serve as a source of reference, opinion, and advice to the
officers, employees, Board, and all committees with regard to current or
contemplated policies of USATF and/or the Association and in all matters
relating to athletes and athlete's rights;
b. Athlete representatives: Appoint, elect, or oversee the election or
appointment of athletes' representatives to committees or subcommittees when
empowered to do so by these Bylaws;
c. Participation in governance: Encourage and foster the representation
and active participation of athletes at the meetings of the Association, its
Board, and its committees;
d. Meetings: Conduct meetings of the active athlete members and other
active athlete attendees at the annual meetings of San Diego USATF;
e. Performance: Assist athletes in achieving maximum performance in
Athletics competition;
f. Rights of athletes: Educate athletes about their rights and
responsibilities in Athletics and assist athletes in preserving and protecting
such rights;
g. Athlete advice: Advise athletes on all matters pertaining
to the general structure and operation of Athletics;
h. Transition of athletes: Assist with the transition of athletes in
post-competitive years; and
i. Operating rules: Adopt operating rules to assist the
committee in carrying out its duties and responsibilities;
2. Makeup: The Athletes Advisory committee shall consist of active
athletes in each of the following categories where available:
a. Sprints;
b. Hurdles;
c. Combined events (Heptathlon for women, Decathlon
for men);
d. Distances of 800 meters through 1500 meters;
e. Distances of over 1500 meters to 10,000 meters;
f. Road racing and cross country;
g. Throws;
h. Horizontal and vertical jumps;
i. Race walking; and
j. At-large (active or inactive) athletes.
K. Athletics for the Disabled Committee:
1. Duties and responsibilities: The Athletics for the Disabled committee shall:
a. Liaison: Serve as liaison between San Diego USATF and (i) the Disabled in Sports Committee of the USOC and (ii)
those sports organizations for athletes with disabilities which conduct regular
b. Competitions: Coordinate, through the appropriate sport committee, the
competition of athletes with disabilities in events under the jurisdiction of
San Diego USATF, and promote participation by athletes with disabilities in San
Diego USATF-sanctioned events;
c. Development: Develop programs to improve athletic performance among
athletes with disabilities; and
d. Education: Facilitate the education and training of coaches and
officials, and education of the Athletics community in general in working with
athletes with disabilities.
2. Makeup: The committee shall consist of a chairman and two (2)
members selected by each sports organization for the disabled. One (1) of the
two (2) members from each such organization shall be disabled and have competed
in Athletics within ten (10) years. At least twenty percent (20%) of the
committee shall be disabled.
L. Coaches Advisory Committee:
1. Duties and responsibilities: The Coaches Advisory committee shall:
a. Policy advice: Serve as a source of reference, opinion, and advice to the
officers, employees, Board, and all committees with regard to current or
contemplated policies of San Diego USATF and in all matters relating to
coaches; and
b. Coaches’ representatives: Appoint coaches' representatives to
committees or subcommittees when empowered to do so by these Bylaws.
2. Makeup: The committee shall consist of a minimum of one (1) coach
from each organization active in San Diego USATF from among the USTCA, USWTCA,
appropriate), and three (3) club coaches to be selected by the President, plus
three (3) active athlete members selected by the Athletes Advisory Committee
chairman. The members shall elect their chairman at the annual meeting.
M. Coaching
Education Committee:
1. Duties and responsibilities: The Coaches Advisory committee shall
foster the growth of coaches education
in San Diego and Imperial Counties, using such resources as
the national committee can provide. It shall participate in the staging of any
coaching education school held inSan
Diego and Imperial Counties.
2. Makeup: The committee shall consist of a chairman appointed by the
President with the approval of the Board, plus additional members, appointed by
the appropriate Sport Committees and approved by the Board, who are actively
engaged in coaching track & field in each of the following specialties:
a. Sprints;
b. Hurdles;
c. Combined events (Heptathlon for women, Decathlon
for men);
d. Distances of 800 meters through 1500 meters;
e. Distances of over 1500 meters to 10,000 meters;
f. Road racing and cross country;
g. Throws;
h. Horizontal and vertical jumps; and
i. Race walking.
N. Development:
1. Duties and responsibilities: The Development committee shall:
a. Scope: Investigate, stimulate, plan, and promulgate programs on a
broad basis to provide for the overall development of (i)
training and competitive facilities, (ii) equipment and skills, (iii) coaching
methods, and (iv) athletic skills; and
b. Effect: Perform the above activities in order to develop the maximum
number of athletes from the novice to world-class levels.
2. Makeup: Five (5) voting members who, unless hereinafter specified to
the contrary, shall be appointed, one each, by the chairmen of the Men's and
Women's Track & Field Committees, Men's and Women's Long Distance Running
Committees, and the Race Walking Committee with the approval of the President.
The chairmen of the aforementioned sports committees in consultation with
the President, shall have the authority to
appoint additional non-voting members necessary to carry out the
responsibilities of the committee.
O. Law & Legislation & Rules:
1. Duties and responsibilities: The Law & Legislation & Rules
committee shall:
a. Deliberations: Consider and present in proper form for action all
amendments to the San Diego USATF Bylaws and may make recommendations thereon;
b. Custodial service: Be the custodian of the San Diego USATF
c. Interpretation: Interpret the Rules of Competition; and
d. Amendments by members: Have the authority to propose amendments
to the USATF Bylaws, Operating Regulations, and Rules of Competition on behalf
of San Diego USATF with the signature of the President.
2. Makeup: The Law & Legislation & Rules committee shall
consist of at least three (3) and no more than seven (7) members of San Diego
USATF, at least 20% of which must be active athletes, as named by the
P. Member Services Liaison:
1. Duties and responsibilities: The Member Services liaison shall assist
the San Diego USATF membership chairman in determining the qualifications of
member groups, and shall coordinate all elections for both
the Officers, Board, and committee chairman positions.
2. Makeup: The Member Services liaison shall be appointed by the
President with the approval of the Board.
Q. Officials Committee:
1. Duties and responsibilities: The Athletics Officials Committee shall:
a. Administration: Select a committee responsible for
training, certifying, and generally supervising officials within San Diego
USATF, under such rules and procedures consistent with the directives of the
national committee, as it may adopt;
b. Methods: Establish (by examination, rules review, field experience,
clinics, and such other procedures as it may choose) their overall program
administration, including the direct responsibility of certifying the
officiating category of "Association Official" to working officials
within San Diego USATF;
c. Instruction: Develop and maintain instructional programs for officials,
including examinations, rules reviews, clinics, and other such activities as it
may prescribe; and
d. Certification: Be responsible for:
(1) Designating pre-certified officials;
(2) Certifying Association-level Officials; and
(3) Recommending to the national committee candidates for national-
and master-level official certification.
2. Makeup: The Officials Committee shall consist of a chairman
appointed by the President with the approval of the Board and one (1) member
each appointed by the Sport Committees.
R. Sports Medicine & Science Committee:
1. Duties and responsibilities:
a. Advise athletes, coaches, and the Athletics community on the
prevention and care of Athletics injuries;
b. Provide information and advice to athletes, coaches, and USATF concerning
proper use of pharmaceuticals and the prevention and care of injuries,
illnesses, and environmental stresses;
c. Distribute educational materials developed by the national committee and
conduct educational programs concerning drug abuse in sports;
2. Makeup: The Sports Medicine & Science Committee shall consist of
a chairman appointed by the President with the approval of the Board and one
(1) member each appointed by the Sport Committees.
Diego USATF shall have the authority to discipline any member, delegate, athlete,
coach, manager, official, trainer, member of any committee, and any other
person or entity participating in Athletics who, by neglect or by conduct,
A. acts in a manner detrimental to the purposes of USATF or
Athletics, or
B. has violated any of the Bylaws, Operating Regulations, or
Rules of Competition of USATF, or
C. has violated the rules of eligibility.
Disciplinary and reinstatement procedures: The disciplinary and reinstatement
procedures of USATF and its member Associations are set forth in USATF
Operating Regulations 11 and 12.
grievance may be any matter within the cognizance of USATF San Diego/Imperial
Association as described as follows:
A. Jurisdiction:
This Association shall have jurisdiction over all disciplinary and formal
grievance proceedings relating to matters that arise within the boundaries of
the Association, except sexual misconduct allegations and doping violations
which shall be under the jurisdiction of USATF. All penalties
imposed by an Association shall be effective only within the jurisdiction of
that Association.
B. Association Arbitration Panel: The following shall apply to the appointment and
conduct of the Association Arbitration Panel (AAP):
1. Members: The Association Arbitration Panel shall consist of three (3)
members - a chair, an at-large member, and an athlete member. There
shall also be a first alternate, second alternate, and additional alternates
who may be appointed from time to time when any of the three members of the AAP
are not available. Members of the AAP shall not be members of the Association
Board or Executive Committee.
2. Appointments: Appointments shall be made by the President with the approval of
the Association Board. The appointments shall be duly reflected in
the minutes of a properly convened Board meeting.
3. Terms: Terms shall commence on January 1 of each even-numbered year.
4. Removal: Members and alternates may be removed for good cause by majority
vote of the Association’s Board. Good cause may include, but is not
limited to, the following:
a. Dilatory practices: An AAP member who causes or permits
delays in the hearing process; and/or
b. Failure to follow procedures: An AAP member who disregards or fails to apply
the hearing procedures or other provisions set forth in the Association Bylaws,
Association Regulations, USATF Rules, USATF Bylaws, and/or USATF Regulations.
C. Grievances:
A grievance may involve any matter, other than sexual misconduct and doping
offenses, within the cognizance of USATF that occurs in the jurisdiction of
this Association:
1. Grievance Complaints: A Grievance Complaint shall state the
a. Detrimental conduct: Conduct detrimental to the best interests of
Athletics, USATF, USATF San Diego/Imperial Association has taken place; or
b. USATF violations: A violation of any of USATF’s Bylaws or
Operating Regulations and/or a violation of any of USATF San Diego/Imperial
Association Bylaws or Operating Regulations has occurred.
2. Parties: Grievance Complaints may be filed only by and against
individuals or entities which were, at the time that the conduct complained of
occurred, and at the time the Complaint is filed, members, directors, or officers
of USATF or otherwise subject to the jurisdiction of USATF San Diego/Imperial
Association. A non-member, former director, or former officer of
USATF San Diego/Imperial Association shall be subject to the jurisdiction of
USATF San Diego/Imperial Association for the purpose of defending against a
Grievance Complaint for an incident that occurred while he or she was a member,
a director, or officer of USATF San Diego/Imperial Association or otherwise
subject to the jurisdiction of USATF San Diego/Imperial
Association. A Grievance Complaint may only be filed by a person or
entity affected by the issues raised in the complaint; and
3. Time limit: Grievance Complaints must be filed within one (1) year from the
time the complaining party knew or should have known of the act giving rise to
the Complaint.
D. Disciplinary matters: USATF San Diego/Imperial Association shall have the authority to
discipline any member who, by neglect or by conduct, acts in a manner subject
to discipline pursuant to Regulation below.
1. Activities subject to discipline: USATF San Diego/Imperial Association may
discipline any member who, by neglect or by conduct:
a. Detrimental conduct: Acts in a manner detrimental to the purposes
of USATF, USATF San Diego/Imperial Association, or Athletics;
b. USATF, IAAF, and Sports Act violations: Violates any of the Bylaws, Operating
Regulations, or Competition Rules of USATF or the IAAF, or violates the Sports
c. Eligibility violations: Violates the rules of eligibility for
2. Time limit: Disciplinary proceedings must be requested within one (1) year
from the time the complaining party knew or should have known of the issue
giving rise to the request for a disciplinary hearing.
E. Rights of the persons or entities: In all matters subject to this Regulation, all
parties shall be provided with fair notice and an opportunity for a hearing
prior to the adjudication or imposition of any penalty by the Association or
AAP. All parties:
1. Representation: May be represented in any disciplinary, grievance, or
Association proceeding by a person(s) who may (but need not) be an attorney;
2. Right to appeal: May appeal any adverse decision in accordance
with this Regulation;
3. Attendance at hearing: May be present at any hearing; and
4. Presenting and challenging evidence: Shall have the right to present evidence and
witness testimony and to cross-examine witnesses testifying against him, her or
F. Initiation of proceedings: Formal grievances shall be initiated as
1. Grievance complaint filing procedures:
a. Filing location: Complaints shall be filed with the Association
President and Secretary. The Secretary shall forward a copy of the
Complaint to the each party charged in the Complaint;
b. Language: All documents filed and exchanged with respect to this
Regulation shall be in English; provided, however, that an original document
that is in a foreign language must be submitted along with an English
translation. The party submitting the document shall bear the cost of obtaining
its translation which shall be conducted by a reputable translator or
translation service. In the event of a challenge to the accuracy of a
translated document, the panel chairperson may direct USATF to order a
translation of the document(s) in question and may allocate the cost of the
translation to any party or all parties, as the panel deems appropriate;
c. Basis for the Complaint: The Complaint shall allege clearly the nature
of the dispute and, where appropriate, state the specific violation of the
Bylaws, Operating Procedures, Competition Rules, or Policies of USATF, USATF
San Diego/Imperial Association, or the IAAF;
d. Facts of allegation: Factual allegations shall be separately stated
in concise language with one allegation set forth in each numbered paragraph of
the Complaint;
e. Signature: The Complaint shall be signed by the person filing the
f. Filing fees: A filing fee of One Hundred U.S. Dollars (US$100) must accompany
an organization’s complaint and a filing fee of Seventy-five U.S. Dollars
(US$75) must be paid by individuals filing a Complaint. The filing fee must be
in the form of a certified check or money order made payable to the
2. Failure to comply with Complaint procedures: Complaints that fail to comply with the
procedures outlined in this Regulation shall be returned to the filer with
instructions explaining the deficiency. A returned Complaint may be
re-filed within thirty (30) days of the initial filing. After thirty (30)
days, the Complaint will be deemed abandoned;
3. Informal resolution of grievances: Upon receipt of a Grievance Complaint, the
President or his/her designee shall make every effort to resolve the dispute
through informal means. In disputes pertaining to a specific sport
discipline, the President or his/her shall also confer with the chairperson of
the sport committee for the discipline involved. All discussions related to the
informal resolution of a complaint shall be confidential;
4. Formal resolution: If the informal resolution of the complaint is
unsatisfactory to any party, or if a party declines to pursue informal
resolution, the party may request that the complaint be resolved by a formal
hearing before an AAP panel;
5. Hearing panel: When one party has indicated that the matter cannot be resolved
informally, the President or his/her designee shall coordinate the selection of
a three-person arbitration panel as detailed in Paragraph B of this regulation.
G. Notice of proceedings: Within thirty (30) days of the commencement of a formal
grievance all interested parties and the hearing panel shall be sent the
following by the Association Secretary:
1. Documents: A copy of the complaint or other documents giving rise to the
proceeding, with any attachments;
2. AAP Members and Contact: The names of the hearing panel members and the
address and telephone number of the panel’s chairperson;
3. Association Bylaws: A copy of the text of this Regulation of the
USATF San Diego/Imperial Association Bylaws and any other relevant
USATF Rule or Regulation; and
4. Other relevant documents: A copy of any specifically identified
document(s) related to the dispute.
H. Answer: The person(s) or
entity(ies) named in a Complaint (respondent(s)) must
submit a written answer to the Association Secretary within thirty (30) days
after receipt of the letter notifying respondents that a proceeding has been
filed (“Notice of Proceeding”). A copy of the Answer shall be forwarded by the
Secretary to the complainant (the party filing the Complaint) and the AAP
panel. The failure of respondent(s) to answer within thirty (30) days after the
receipt of the Notice of Proceedings will be deemed a waiver by respondent of
the opportunity to have a hearing or have an appeal of any adverse decision.
Upon such failure, and after confirmation of the receipt of the Notice of
Proceeding by all parties, the hearing panel may proceed in the absence of the
respondent and may decide the matter with or without a hearing and with or
without taking testimony and evidence, as it deems appropriate. If a party
raises a hearing panel challenge under Article XIV.I below, the panel
chair may extend the time to answer.
I. Challenge to arbitrator(s): Within fourteen (14) days following the
receipt of the Notice of Proceedings any party to the hearing may challenge the
seating of any AAP panel member, on the ground that the panel member may not be
impartial. The panel chairperson may extend the time to answer if a panel
member is challenged. Failure to bring a timely challenge against the seating
of an AAP arbitrator constitutes a waiver of such challenge.
J. Hearing procedures: The following procedures apply to formal
grievance, and other hearings:
1. Pre-hearing conference call: Within five (5) business days of
the expiration of the arbitrator challenge the AAP panel chairperson shall
conduct a pre-hearing conference by telephone conference call with all parties
to discuss scheduling and procedural matters.
2. Date of Hearing: Best efforts should be used to set
a convenient time and date for all participants. The AAP hearing panel shall
schedule the hearing to take place within thirty (30) days of the initial
pre-hearing conference. The hearing date may be delayed beyond the thirty (30)
day period only upon a showing to the AAP panel that a substantial injustice
would otherwise occur.
3. Location for hearing: Hearings shall be held in-person, unless good
cause is shown to the AAP chairperson that holding the hearing by telephone
conference call is in the best interest of the sport of Athletics.
a. Reason for request for telephone conference call
hearing: If a party requests
that the hearing be held by telephone
conference call, such request shall be accompanied by a statement identifying
the material reasons which the hearing panel should resolve in this venue.
b. Deadline for request: The telephone conference call hearing request
must be submitted to the AAP chairperson within ten (10) business days of the
receipt of the Notice of Proceedings. Failure to submit a telephone
conference call hearing request during the above-described timeframe constitutes
a waiver of the right to request a telephone conference call hearing.
4. Delays: If an interested party causes an unnecessary delay, the AAP
panel may dismiss the proceeding or, at its discretion, rule against the party
causing the delay. If the delay is the result of AAP panel inaction, the
President or his/her designee may dismiss the panel and replace it with a new
panel. If a party to the proceeding fails to appear at the hearing, then the
AAP panel may make a ruling based on available information and the testimony of
those present at the hearing;
5. Evidentiary rules: The rules of evidence generally accepted in
administrative proceedings shall be applicable to the hearing; the formal rules
of evidence shall not apply;
6. Burden of proof: The burden of proof is upon the complainant to
prove by a preponderance of the evidence that conduct described in
Article XIV.C.1 or XIV.D.1 above has occurred;
7. Hearing record: An official transcript or recording is highly recommended for
hearings conducted by an Association. Any party to the proceedings may retain a
court reporter or other competent individual to provide a transcript or
recording of the hearing at that party’s own expense. If made, such transcripts
or recordings shall become the official record of the proceedings and a copy
shall be provided to all parties at their own expense; and
8. Closed hearing: Hearings shall be closed to the public. Witnesses shall attend
hearings only as necessary to provide testimony.
K. AAP decisions and opinions: The following shall pertain to AAP final decisions and opinions
rendered in hearings and appellate proceedings:
1. Scope of decision: All AAP panel decisions shall be consistent
with USATF, USATF San Diego/Imperial Association, and IAAF Rules and
Regulations, and the Sports Act. If the implementation of any AAP panel
decision and opinion would have a significant budgetary impact on USATF San
Diego/Imperial Association, the Budget Committee chair and/or the USATF San
Diego/Imperial Association Treasurer shall review it and report their findings
to the Board within thirty (30) days of the issuance of the opinion. In such
instances, the decision and opinion shall not become final and binding unless
and until approved by the Board. The Board shall determine to what extent any
AAP decision and opinion having a significant budgetary impact on USATF San
Diego/Imperial Association may be implemented, in light of fiscal
considerations, and may remand the matter back to the AAP panel for
modification based upon budgetary directives from the Board;
2. Form of decision and opinion: The AAP decision shall state in one or two
brief sentences which party the AAP arbitrators have ruled in favor of. The
opinion of the AAP panel shall set forth the following:
a. Issue: The question(s) the AAP panel was asked to decide;
b. Arguments: A brief summary of the arguments made by each party;
c. Findings of fact: The findings of fact upon which the panel
based its decision;
d. Citations: A citation to the applicable IAAF, USATF, USATF San
Diego/Imperial Association, Sports Act, or other applicable rule, bylaw or
minutes, reports, guidelines, or other documents upon which the AAP panel
decision is based, if any; and
e. Stay provision: Whether the effect of the decision shall be stayed in the event
of an appeal, if appropriate;
3. Time frame: An AAP panel shall issue a decision with respect to the
disciplinary, formal grievance, or other proceedings within fifteen (15) days
after the conclusion of the hearing. The panel shall render a written opinion
no later than thirty (30) days after the conclusion of the hearing, or after
the submission of any post hearing documentation to the panel.
4. Effect of decision: All AAP panel decisions shall be effective
upon the date rendered, unless otherwise stated in the decision.
L. Appeals: The decision of the
arbitrators may be appealed pursuant to USATF Regulation 11-P.
general sanction provisions of USATF which affect San Diego USATF appear in
this Article. Additional regulations appear in USATF Operating Regulation 14.
A. Definition: The
definition of "international competition" shall apply to this article
and the corresponding USATF Operating Regulation 14:
International competition: means an athletics competition between one or more
athletes representing the United States, individually or as a team, and one or
more athletes representing a foreign country (i.e., competitions between
national teams).
B. Domestic Sanctions: USATF or its Associations shall have authority to grant
sanctions to sports organizations or persons otherwise wishing to hold athletic
competitions in athletics, that are not
international in nature, within the United States.
C. Sanctioning policy: Unless USATF or an Association determines by clear and
convincing evidence that holding or sponsoring an athletics competition
(international or domestic) would be detrimental to the best interests of the
sport, USATF or the appropriate Association of USATF shall promptly grant a
sanction requested by a sports organization or person(s), provided all the
requirements of USATF Operating Regulation 14 have been satisfied. The decision
as to whether a proposed competition would be detrimental to the best interests
of the sport shall be made in the first instance by either USATF or an
Association, as appropriate. Approval of sanctions shall not be unreasonably
denied. The decision to deny a sanction may be appealed:
1. In the case of a denial by an Association, to USATF, or
2. In the case of a denial by USATF, to the NABR.
D. Sanction requirements: Sanctions are issued, withheld, or withdrawn in accordance
with the requirements and provisions of USATF Operating Regulation 14.
A. Fiscal year: The
fiscal year of San Diego USATF is January 1 through December 31.
B. Depositories: The
Board shall, from time to time as necessary, designate depositories for funds,
property, and assets belonging to or under the control of San Diego USATF.
1. Signatories: Funds on deposit in banks may be withdrawn only by voucher
check upon the signatures of the Treasurer or President. Other assets or
property of San Diego USATF may be transferred from one depository to another
by action of the Board; and
2. Imprest accounts: The Board may establish separate accounts
employing the imprest system for the
liquidation of obligations requiring prompt payment and for payroll obligations
requiring prompt payment, and it may authorize checks to be drawn thereon upon
the facsimile of any one (1) officer or employee.
C. Bonding: Corporate fidelity
bonds may be obtained at the expense of San Diego USATF in a form and amount
approved by the Board, indemnifying USATF and San Diego USATF against losses
resulting from infidelity, defalcation, or misappropriation by officers,
employees, or agents of funds, property, or assets owned by or under the
control of San Diego USATF.
D. Indemnification: San Diego USATF shall immediately indemnify any person who
was or is a party or is threatened to be made a party to any threatened,
pending, or completed action, suit, or proceeding, whether civil,
administrative, or investigative, by reason of the fact that he or she is or
was a director, officer, employee, or official representative of San Diego
USATF against expenses, including attorney’s fees, judgments, fines, and
amounts actually and reasonably incurred by him or her in connection with such
action, suit, or proceeding, if he or she acted in good faith and in a manner
he or she reasonably believed to be in or not opposed to the best interests of
USATF and San Diego USATF, and, with respect to any criminal action or
proceedings, had no reasonable cause to believe his or her conduct was unlawful.
The termination of any action, suit, or proceeding by judgment, order,
settlement, conviction, or upon a plea of nolo contendere or its
equivalent, shall not, of itself, create a presumption that the person did not
act in good faith and in a manner which he or she reasonably believed to be in
or not opposed to the best interests of USATF and San Diego USATF.
1. Standards of conduct: Any indemnification under this article
shall be made by San Diego USATF only as authorized in the specific case upon a
determination that the officer, director, employee, or official representative
has met the applicable standard of conduct set forth herein. Such determination
shall be made by the Board by a majority vote of a quorum consisting of members
of the Board who were not parties to such action, suit, or proceeding. If such
a quorum is not obtainable, such determination shall be made either (1) by a
majority vote of the full Board pursuant to opinion of independent legal
counsel or (2) by the members of San Diego USATF at the next meeting.
2. Expenses: Expenses, including attorney’s fees, incurred in defending a
civil action, suit, or proceeding may be paid by San Diego USATF in advance of
the final disposition of such action, suit, or proceeding as authorized in the
manner provided above upon receipt of an undertaking by or on behalf of the
director, officer, employee, or official representative to repay such amount
unless it shall be ultimately determined that he or she is entitled to be
indemnified by San Diego USATF; and
3. Applicability: The indemnification provided by this section shall not be
deemed exclusive of any other rights to which the director, officer, employee,
or official representative may be entitled under bylaw, agreement, vote of the
membership, or disinterested directors or otherwise. The indemnification
provided by this section shall continue as to a person who has ceased to be a
director, officer, employee, or official representative and shall inure to the
benefit of the heirs, executors, and administrators of such a person.
E. Liability insurance: San Diego USATF may secure comprehensive liability insurance
coverage, including insurance for athlete/participant injury liability.
F. Audit schedule: The Board, effective at the beginning of
each fiscal year, may select a Certified Public Accountant to audit the books
and financial records of San Diego USATF for the ensuing year. After completing
any such audit, the auditor shall submit his or her report to the Board, and as
soon thereafter as reasonably possible, a copy of such audit report shall be
available for each member of San Diego USATF and sent to the USATF National
Office before the next annual meeting.
G. Legal counsel:
1. Counsel to the Board: A Counsel to San Diego USATF may be
appointed by the President with the approval of the Board. The Counsel to the
Board shall be responsible for overseeing the legal affairs of San Diego USATF
and shall be available to advise and consult with the officers and other agents
of San Diego USATF, render legal advice and assistance, and perform such other
duties as the President or the Board may request. The Counsel to the Board
shall have the right to the floor at any meeting of San Diego USATF, its Board,
and its committees to comment on legal matters. The files, records, and
documents created by the Counsel to the Board during the course of duties for
San Diego USATF shall belong to San Diego USATF; and
2. Special Legal Counsel: On those occasions when the nature or scope
of a particular matter requires expertise or a commitment of time, or cannot
otherwise be adequately dealt with in the ordinary course by the General
Counsel, and it appears to be in the best interests of San Diego USATF, the
Board may authorize the President, in consultation with the Counsel to the
Board, to retain Special Legal Counsel. Where prior authorization by the Board
is impractical, the President, in consultation with the Counsel to the Board,
may in the best interests of USATF and San Diego USATF retain such Special
Legal Counsel. All agreements with Special Legal Counsel as to legal services
to be rendered and the fees and compensation to be paid shall be in writing and
executed in accordance with this paragraph.
H. Contracts: Contracts
not in the ordinary course of affairs of San Diego USATF shall be examined and
approved for form by the Counsel to the Board or by the Special Legal Counsel
of San Diego USATF, prior to execution. The contents of all contracts affecting
sport committees shall, during their negotiation phase, be communicated to the
appropriate committee(s). Unless otherwise directed by the Board, all written
contracts shall be executed on behalf of San Diego USATF by the President (or
another officer designated by the President) and if required, attested to by
the Secretary.
I. Arbitration: San Diego USATF agrees to submit to binding arbitration
conducted in accordance with the commercial rules of the American Arbitration
Association, in any controversy involving its recognition as a national
governing body, as provided for in Paragraph 395, Subchapter II, Chapter 17, of
Title 36 of the United States Code, or in any controversy involving the
opportunity of any athlete, coach, trainer, manager, administrator, or official
to participate in Athletics competition, as provided for in the constitution
and bylaws of the USOC.
J. Conflict of interest: Any individual representing San Diego
USATF, or who has a financial arrangement with USATF or San Diego USATF, or who
is an employee of USATF, San Diego USATF, or any other USATF Association, or
who is a member of any of its committees, shall not participate in the
evaluation or approval of a contract with a supplier to furnish goods or
provide services to USATF or San Diego USATF, if that individual directly or
indirectly benefits financially, or otherwise receives any form of compensation
from, or has any interest in, any supplier under consideration. The Board may
require that such individuals disclose all financial interests that may
influence the performance of their duties for USATF or San Diego USATF. Each
individual referred to in the first sentence of this paragraph shall, upon
learning that San Diego USATF is proposing to enter into an arrangement in
which he or she has financial interest, promptly notify the President in
writing of the existence of such interest, and the President shall, in turn,
promptly disclose such interest to those bodies of USATF involved in
considering entry into the arrangement. In the event of a violation of this
provision, San Diego USATF shall have the right to recover such benefit or
payment and to void the contract or transaction.
the dissolution of the corporation, the Board shall, after paying or making
provisions for the payment of all of the liabilities of the corporation,
dispose of all the assets of the corporation exclusively for the purpose of the
corporation in such a manner, or to such organization or organizations,
organized and operated exclusively for charitable, educational, religious, or
scientific purposes as shall at the time qualify as exempt organization or
organizations under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or
the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law),
as the Board shall determine.
of literal or complete compliance with provisions of the Bylaws in respect to
dates and times of notice, or the sending or receipt of the same, or errors in
phraseology of notice of proposals, which in the judgment of the members at
meetings held do not cause substantial injury to the rights of members, shall
not invalidate the actions or proceedings of the members at any meeting.
A. General provisions: Amendments shall be considered by San Diego USATF as
1. Voting
for Bylaws approval: Amendments to the Bylaws shall require for
passage a two-thirds vote of those members present and voting, provided notice
of the proposed amendment has been submitted in writing to the members of San
Diego USATF at least thirty (30) days prior to the meeting; and
2. Voting for other regulations approval: Amendments to other regulations shall
require a majority vote of those members present and voting, provided notice of
the proposed amendment has been submitted in writing to the members of San
Diego USATF at least thirty (30) days prior to the meeting.
B. Exceptions: Notwithstanding
paragraph A above, amendments may be considered at any meeting of San Diego
USATF in any of the following circumstances:
1. Tabled amendments: Tabled amendments may be acted upon at any
subsequent meeting without redistribution of the amendment;
2. Conformity with the law: To make the Bylaws or other regulations
conform with federal or local law or regulation;
3. Conformity with USATF: To make the Bylaws or other regulations
conform with USATF requirements; or
4. Uniformity: To make the Bylaws and other regulations conform with each other.
Such items need not meet the time requirement of subparagraphs XIX.A.1
above and XIX.D.1 below.
C. Emergency circumstances: In emergency circumstances, San Diego USATF or its Board may
adopt changes as follows:
1. Vote of the membership: Upon a ninety percent (90%) vote at any
meeting of San Diego USATF; or
2. Vote of the Board: Where immediate relief is deemed
necessary, the Bylaws and other regulations may be amended upon vote of ninety
percent (90%) of the total membership of the entire Board, such amendment to be
effective only until the next meeting of San Diego USATF.
D. Submissions: The
following provisions shall govern submissions of amending legislation:
1. Time
of submission: Amendments shall be submitted at least
sixty (60) days prior to the meeting at which they are to be considered, so as
to allow proper review and submittal to the members of San Diego USATF. This
sixty (60) day requirement may be waived, in emergency circumstances, upon a
ninety percent (90%) vote at any meeting of USATF;
2. Submitters: Amendments may be submitted only by a member of San Diego
3. Persons receiving submissions: Amendments to the Bylaws and other
regulations shall be submitted to the chairman of the Law &
Legislation/Rules Committee;
4. Form of submission: The proposed amendments shall be in such
form as to show the entire section, subsection, or paragraph, as the case may
be, as it will read if adopted, with all proposed additional language
underlined or shaded, and all proposed deleted language in double parentheses.
Each submission shall be accompanied by a brief statement of the rationale for
the submission. If there is a budgetary impact, it shall be estimated with the
submission or, lacking such estimation, shall be provided by the Treasurer
and/or the chairman of the Budget Subcommittee of the Board; and
5. Approval of submissions: All proposed amendments must first be
recommended for approval at the time of submission by someone other than the
submitter who shall be another member of San Diego USATF.
E. Effective date: Unless otherwise specified at the time of adoption,
amendments to the Bylaws and other regulations shall be effective immediately.
USATF Article 5B Members
Name of member (abbreviation):
A. National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA):
1. Men's Track & Field
2. Women's Track & Field
3. Men's Long Distance
4. Women's Long Distance
B. National Federation of State High
School Associations (NFSHSA):
1. Men's Track & Field
2. Women's Track & Field
3. Men's Long Distance
4. Women's Long Distance
C. National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA):
1. Men's Track & Field
2. Women's Track & Field
3. Men's Long Distance
4. Women's Long Distance
5. Race Walking
D. National Junior College Athletic Association (NJCAA):
1. Men's Track & Field
2. Women's Track & Field
3. Men's Long Distance
4. Women's Long Distance
E. Road Runners Club of America (RRCA):
1. Men's Long Distance
2. Women's Long Distance
3. Youth Athletics
4. Masters Long Distance
F. Running USA (RUSA):
1. Men's Long Distance
2. Women's Long Distance
3. Masters Long Distance
Amendment History
Amendment of February 26, 2003:
At the bi-monthly
meeting the Board unanimously approved setting all minimum voting ages to 18 in
order for the Bylaws to conform to USATF requirements.
Amendment of November 5, 2003
At the 2003 Annual
Meeting, the members unanimously approved replacing the first sentence of
Article X(B)(2).
The Board shall conduct
its affairs at bi-monthly meetings on the third Wednesday of February, April,
June, August, and December.
The Board shall conduct
its affairs at meetings on the third Wednesday of each month.
Amendments of December 17, 2003
At the 2003 National
Meeting, some provisions of Regulation 15, which governs Association Elections,
were modified. The following amendments to the Bylaws are for compliance.
Original VIII(A)(4):
Changes: Any notice of a election change or a change in the election
process must be at least 14 days prior to the election.
Replacement VIII(A)(4):
Changes: Any notice of an election change or a
change in the election process, not previously publicized, must be distributed
at least 14 days prior to the election.
Original VIII(C)(4):
Voting membership
deadline: Individuals must
be members in the month which ends more than one full month preceding the
Replacement VIII(C)(4):
Voting membership
deadline: Except for
renewals from the previous year, individuals must be members for at least
thirty (30) days prior to the date of the election. (For example, if the
election is held on September 20, the membership must be paid in full by August
Original VIII(D)(1):
Disputes: Voting eligibility disputes must be
resolved before the election process is started with nominations and/or the
report of the nominating committee.
Replacement VIII(D)(1):
Disputes: Voting eligibility disputes must be
resolved before the election process is started (i.e. before taking nominations
and/or before the report of the nominating committee).
New VIII(D)(4):
Ballot Count: Any ballot opened outside the presence of
the entire voting panel shall not be counted.
Original VIII(E)(1):
Panel: A panel of at least three (3) individuals,
at least one (1) of whom must be an athlete, shall count the ballots and sign
the tally. All panel members shall be at least 18 years of age. The panel shall
not include any individual who is a candidate for a contested office.
Replacement VIII(E)(1):
Voting Panel: A panel of at least three (3) individuals,
at least one (1) of whom must be an athlete, shall count the ballots and sign
the vote tally. All panel members shall be at least 18 years of age. The panel
shall not include any individual who is a candidate for an office.
Original VIII(E)(2):
Consultation: The panel may consult as necessary with
the Chairman, Secretary, and/or parliamentarian (so long as they are not candidates
for contested offices) on procedural matters.
Replacement VIII(E)(2):
Consultation: The panel may consult as necessary with
the Association's President, Secretary, and/or parliamentarian (so long as they
are not candidates for offices) on procedural matters.
Original VIII(G):
National delegates: Delegates shall be appointed at the Annual
Replacement VIII(G):
National delegates: Delegates to the USATF Annual Meeting
shall be appointed at the Annual Meeting.
Original VIII(I)(1):
Operating Regulation 11: Except as indicated below, USATF Operating
Regulation 11 shall apply to election grievances. Protests may only be made
after the election process is concluded.
Replacement VIII(I)(1):
Operating Regulation 11: Except as indicated below, USATF Operating
Regulation 11 shall apply to election disputes. Protests may only be made after
the election process is concluded.
Amendment of November 17, 2004
The following amendments
to the Bylaws are for compliance as to the date of the Annual Meeting.
Original VII, first sentence:
The annual meeting of
San Diego USATF shall take place in the City of San Diego, California, in the
last quarter of each year, beginning in 1982.
Replacement VII, first sentence:
The annual meeting of
San Diego USATF shall take place in the City of San Diego, California.
Original VII(A):
Annual meeting: The annual meeting of San Diego USATF
shall be held on the third Wednesday of October in the City of San Diego,
California, at such time and place as may be fixed by the Board and announced
by requisite notice of such meeting.
Replacement VII(A):
Annual meeting: The annual meeting of San Diego USATF
shall be held on the third Wednesday of September in the City of San Diego,
California, at such time and place as may be fixed by the Board and announced
by requisite notice of such meeting.
Amendment of August 17, 2006
The following amendment
to the Bylaws is for compliance with and consistency with other election
procedures. Delete VIII(C)5:
Original VIII(C)5:
Organizations: Member organizations shall have one (1)
Amendment of October 10, 2006
The Board of Directors
adopted the following amendment:
Original X(B)2:
The Board shall conduct
its affairs at meetings on the second Tuesday of each month.
Replacement X(B)2:
The Board shall conduct
its affairs at meetings on the third Wednesday of each month.
Amendment of September 17, 2008
The Membership adopted
the following amendment for compliance with USATF Regulation 15(B) as amended
in December 2007:
Original XIV:
A. Redress
of grievances: A grievance may be any matter within the
cognizance of San Diego USATF other than doping offenses described in USATF Operating Regulation 10. A Grievance
Complaint shall state that (i) conduct detrimental to
the best interests of Athletics or USATF has taken place, or (ii) a violation
of any of the Bylaws or Operating Regulations of USATF has occurred, or (iii)
the rules of eligibility as defined by the IAAF have been broken. Grievance
Complaints may be filed only by individuals who were, at the time that the
conduct complained of occurred, members, directors, or officers of USATF.
Except as provided in USATF Operating Regulation 11-A-3, Grievance
Complaints must be filed within two (2) years from the time the complaining
party knew or should have known of the act giving rise to the Complaint.
B. Grievance Complaints: Grievance Complaints shall (i) be
filed with the San Diego USATF Office and the Secretary, (ii) be signed under
oath, (iii) allege with particularity the nature of the grievance, and, where
appropriate, the USATF or IAAF rule which has been violated or broken, and (iv)
ask that USATF take such action as may be appropriate and in accordance with
its rules. Factual allegations shall be separately stated in concise language
with one such allegation set forth in each numbered paragraph of the Grievance
Complaint. The failure of a Complaint to comply with the preceding sentence
shall not be grounds for its dismissal, provided the Complaint clearly makes
specific allegations that, if proven, would justify one of the conclusions set
forth in paragraph XIV.A above. The San Diego USATF Office shall forward a
copy of each Grievance Complaint to the President.
C. Informal resolution of grievances: Upon receipt of a Grievance Complaint, the
President or his/her designee shall use every effort to resolve the grievance
through informal means, and, in the case of grievances pertaining to a specific
athlete or a specific sport discipline, the President shall also confer with
the chairman of the sport committee for the discipline involved. As part of the
informal resolution process, all respondents named in the Grievance Complaint
shall be served with a copy.
D. Formal resolution of grievances: If the informal resolution of the Grievance Complaint is
unsatisfactory to any party, such party may invoke the provisions of Regulation
11 (pages 97-99) and request that the grievance be resolved by a formal
grievance proceeding before a National Athletics Board of Review.
NOTE: Procedures and appeals: The procedures applicable to formal grievance
proceedings and appeals are set forth in USATF Operating Regulation 11.
Replacement XIV:
grievance may be any matter within the cognizance of USATF San Diego/Imperial
Association as described as follows:
A. Jurisdiction:
This Association shall have jurisdiction over all disciplinary and formal
grievance proceedings relating to matters that arise within the boundaries of
the Association, except sexual misconduct allegations and doping violations
which shall be under the jurisdiction of USATF. All penalties
imposed by an Association shall be effective only within the jurisdiction of
that Association.
B. Association Arbitration Panel: The following shall apply to the appointment and
conduct of the Association Arbitration Panel (AAP):
1. Members: The Association Arbitration Panel shall consist of three (3)
members - a chair, an at-large member, and an athlete member. There
shall also be a first alternate, second alternate, and additional alternates
who may be appointed from time to time when any of the three members of the AAP
are not available. Members of the AAP shall not be members of the Association
Board or Executive Committee.
2. Appointments: Appointments shall be made by the President with the approval of
the Association Board. The appointments shall be duly reflected in
the minutes of a properly convened Board meeting.
3. Terms: Terms shall commence on January 1 of each even-numbered year.
4. Removal: Members and alternates may be removed for good cause by majority
vote of the Association’s Board. Good cause may include, but is not
limited to, the following:
a. Dilatory practices: An AAP member who causes or permits
delays in the hearing process; and/or
b. Failure to follow procedures: An AAP member who disregards or fails to apply
the hearing procedures or other provisions set forth in the Association Bylaws,
Association Regulations, USATF Rules, USATF Bylaws, and/or USATF Regulations.
C. Grievances:
A grievance may involve any matter, other than sexual misconduct and doping
offenses, within the cognizance of USATF that occurs in the jurisdiction of
this Association:
1. Grievance
Complaints: A Grievance Complaint shall state the
a. Detrimental conduct: Conduct detrimental to the best interests of
Athletics, USATF, USATF San Diego/Imperial Association has taken place; or
b. USATF violations: A violation of any of USATF’s Bylaws or
Operating Regulations and/or a violation of any of USATF San Diego/Imperial
Association Bylaws or Operating Regulations has occurred.
2. Parties: Grievance Complaints may be filed only by and against
individuals or entities which were, at the time that the conduct complained of
occurred, and at the time the Complaint is filed, members, directors, or
officers of USATF or otherwise subject to the jurisdiction of USATF San
Diego/Imperial Association. A non-member, former director, or former
officer of USATF San Diego/Imperial Association shall be subject to the
jurisdiction of USATF San Diego/Imperial Association for the purpose of
defending against a Grievance Complaint for an incident that occurred while he
or she was a member, a director, or officer of USATF San Diego/Imperial
Association or otherwise subject to the jurisdiction of USATF San
Diego/Imperial Association. A Grievance Complaint may only be filed
by a person or entity affected by the issues raised in the complaint; and
3. Time limit: Grievance Complaints must be filed within one (1) year from the
time the complaining party knew or should have known of the act giving rise to
the Complaint.
D. Disciplinary matters: USATF San Diego/Imperial Association shall have the authority to
discipline any member who, by neglect or by conduct, acts in a manner subject
to discipline pursuant to Regulation below.
1. Activities
subject to discipline: USATF San Diego/Imperial Association may discipline
any member who, by neglect or by conduct:
a. Detrimental conduct: Acts in a manner detrimental to the purposes
of USATF, USATF San Diego/Imperial Association, or Athletics;
b. USATF, IAAF, and Sports Act violations: Violates any of the Bylaws, Operating
Regulations, or Competition Rules of USATF or the IAAF, or violates the Sports
c. Eligibility violations: Violates the rules of eligibility for
2. Time limit: Disciplinary proceedings must be requested within one (1) year
from the time the complaining party knew or should have known of the issue
giving rise to the request for a disciplinary hearing.
E. Rights of the persons or entities: In all matters subject to this Regulation, all
parties shall be provided with fair notice and an opportunity for a hearing
prior to the adjudication or imposition of any penalty by the Association or
AAP. All parties:
1. Representation: May be represented in any disciplinary, grievance, or
Association proceeding by a person(s) who may (but need not) be an attorney;
2. Right to appeal: May appeal any adverse decision in accordance
with this Regulation;
3. Attendance at hearing: May be present at any hearing; and
4. Presenting and challenging evidence: Shall have the right to present evidence and
witness testimony and to cross-examine witnesses testifying against him, her or
F. Initiation of proceedings: Formal grievances shall be initiated as
1. Grievance complaint filing procedures:
a. Filing location: Complaints shall be filed with the Association
President and Secretary. The Secretary shall forward a copy of the
Complaint to the each party charged in the Complaint;
b. Language: All documents filed and exchanged with respect to this
Regulation shall be in English; provided, however, that an original document
that is in a foreign language must be submitted along with an English
translation. The party submitting the document shall bear the cost of obtaining
its translation which shall be conducted by a reputable translator or
translation service. In the event of a challenge to the accuracy of a
translated document, the panel chairperson may direct USATF to order a
translation of the document(s) in question and may allocate the cost of the
translation to any party or all parties, as the panel deems appropriate;
c. Basis for the Complaint: The Complaint shall allege clearly the nature
of the dispute and, where appropriate, state the specific violation of the
Bylaws, Operating Procedures, Competition Rules, or Policies of USATF, USATF
San Diego/Imperial Association, or the IAAF;
d. Facts of allegation: Factual allegations shall be separately stated
in concise language with one allegation set forth in each numbered paragraph of
the Complaint;
e. Signature: The Complaint shall be signed by the person filing the
f. Filing fees: A filing fee of One Hundred U.S. Dollars (US$100) must accompany
an organization’s complaint and a filing fee of Seventy-five U.S. Dollars
(US$75) must be paid by individuals filing a Complaint. The filing fee must be
in the form of a certified check or money order made payable to the
2. Failure to comply with Complaint procedures: Complaints that fail to comply with the
procedures outlined in this Regulation shall be returned to the filer with
instructions explaining the deficiency. A returned Complaint may be
re-filed within thirty (30) days of the initial filing. After thirty (30)
days, the Complaint will be deemed abandoned;
3. Informal resolution of grievances: Upon receipt of a Grievance Complaint, the
President or his/her designee shall make every effort to resolve the dispute
through informal means. In disputes pertaining to a specific sport
discipline, the President or his/her shall also confer with the chairperson of
the sport committee for the discipline involved. All discussions related to the
informal resolution of a complaint shall be confidential;
4. Formal resolution: If the informal resolution of the complaint is
unsatisfactory to any party, or if a party declines to pursue informal
resolution, the party may request that the complaint be resolved by a formal
hearing before an AAP panel;
5. Hearing panel: When one party has indicated that the matter cannot be resolved
informally, the President or his/her designee shall coordinate the selection of
a three-person arbitration panel as detailed in Paragraph B of this regulation.
G. Notice of proceedings: Within thirty (30) days of the commencement of a formal
grievance all interested parties and the hearing panel shall be sent the
following by the Association Secretary:
1. Documents: A copy of the complaint or other documents giving rise to the
proceeding, with any attachments;
2. AAP Members and Contact: The names of the hearing panel members and the
address and telephone number of the panel’s chairperson;
3. Association Bylaws: A copy of the text of this Regulation of the
USATF San Diego/Imperial Association Bylaws and any other relevant
USATF Rule or Regulation; and
4. Other relevant documents: A copy of any specifically identified
document(s) related to the dispute.
H. Answer: The person(s) or
entity(ies) named in a Complaint (respondent(s)) must
submit a written answer to the Association Secretary within thirty (30) days
after receipt of the letter notifying respondents that a proceeding has been
filed (“Notice of Proceeding”). A copy of the Answer shall be forwarded by the
Secretary to the complainant (the party filing the Complaint) and the AAP
panel. The failure of respondent(s) to answer within thirty (30) days after the
receipt of the Notice of Proceedings will be deemed a waiver by respondent of
the opportunity to have a hearing or have an appeal of any adverse decision.
Upon such failure, and after confirmation of the receipt of the Notice of
Proceeding by all parties, the hearing panel may proceed in the absence of the
respondent and may decide the matter with or without a hearing and with or
without taking testimony and evidence, as it deems appropriate. If a party
raises a hearing panel challenge under Article XIV.I below, the panel
chair may extend the time to answer.
I. Challenge
to arbitrator(s): Within fourteen (14) days following the
receipt of the Notice of Proceedings any party to the hearing may challenge the
seating of any AAP panel member, on the ground that the panel member may not be
impartial. The panel chairperson may extend the time to answer if a panel
member is challenged. Failure to bring a timely challenge against the seating
of an AAP arbitrator constitutes a waiver of such challenge.
J. Hearing procedures: The following procedures apply to formal
grievance, and other hearings:
1. Pre-hearing conference call: Within five (5) business days of
the expiration of the arbitrator challenge the AAP panel chairperson shall
conduct a pre-hearing conference by telephone conference call with all parties
to discuss scheduling and procedural matters.
2. Date of Hearing: Best efforts should be used to set
a convenient time and date for all participants. The AAP hearing panel shall
schedule the hearing to take place within thirty (30) days of the initial
pre-hearing conference. The hearing date may be delayed beyond the thirty (30)
day period only upon a showing to the AAP panel that a substantial injustice
would otherwise occur.
3. Location for hearing: Hearings shall be held in-person, unless good
cause is shown to the AAP chairperson that holding the hearing by telephone
conference call is in the best interest of the sport of Athletics.
a. Reason for request for telephone conference call
hearing: If a party requests
that the hearing be held by telephone
conference call, such request shall be accompanied by a statement identifying
the material reasons which the hearing panel should resolve in this venue.
b. Deadline for request: The telephone conference call hearing request
must be submitted to the AAP chairperson within ten (10) business days of the
receipt of the Notice of Proceedings. Failure to submit a telephone
conference call hearing request during the above-described timeframe
constitutes a waiver of the right to request a telephone conference call
4. Delays: If an interested party causes an unnecessary delay, the AAP
panel may dismiss the proceeding or, at its discretion, rule against the party
causing the delay. If the delay is the result of AAP panel inaction, the
President or his/her designee may dismiss the panel and replace it with a new
panel. If a party to the proceeding fails to appear at the hearing, then the
AAP panel may make a ruling based on available information and the testimony of
those present at the hearing;
5. Evidentiary rules: The rules of evidence generally accepted in
administrative proceedings shall be applicable to the hearing; the formal rules
of evidence shall not apply;
6. Burden of proof: The burden of proof is upon the complainant to
prove by a preponderance of the evidence that conduct described in Article XIV.C.1 or XIV.D.1
above has occurred;
7. Hearing record: An official transcript or recording is highly recommended for
hearings conducted by an Association. Any party to the proceedings may retain a
court reporter or other competent individual to provide a transcript or
recording of the hearing at that party’s own expense. If made, such transcripts
or recordings shall become the official record of the proceedings and a copy
shall be provided to all parties at their own expense; and
8. Closed hearing: Hearings shall be closed to the public. Witnesses shall attend
hearings only as necessary to provide testimony.
K. AAP decisions and opinions: The following shall pertain to AAP final decisions and opinions
rendered in hearings and appellate proceedings:
1. Scope of decision: All AAP panel decisions shall be consistent
with USATF, USATF San Diego/Imperial Association, and IAAF Rules and
Regulations, and the Sports Act. If the implementation of any AAP panel
decision and opinion would have a significant budgetary impact on USATF San
Diego/Imperial Association, the Budget Committee chair and/or the USATF San
Diego/Imperial Association Treasurer shall review it and report their findings
to the Board within thirty (30) days of the issuance of the opinion. In such
instances, the decision and opinion shall not become final and binding unless
and until approved by the Board. The Board shall determine to what extent any
AAP decision and opinion having a significant budgetary impact on USATF San
Diego/Imperial Association may be implemented, in light of fiscal
considerations, and may remand the matter back to the AAP panel for
modification based upon budgetary directives from the Board;
2. Form of decision and opinion: The AAP decision shall state in one or two
brief sentences which party the AAP arbitrators have ruled in favor of. The
opinion of the AAP panel shall set forth the following:
a. Issue: The question(s) the AAP panel was asked to decide;
b. Arguments: A brief summary of the arguments made by each party;
c. Findings of fact: The findings of fact upon which the panel
based its decision;
d. Citations: A citation to the applicable IAAF, USATF, USATF San
Diego/Imperial Association, Sports Act, or other applicable rule, bylaw or
minutes, reports, guidelines, or other documents upon which the AAP panel
decision is based, if any; and
e. Stay provision: Whether the effect of the decision shall be stayed in the event
of an appeal, if appropriate;
3. Time frame: An AAP panel shall issue a decision with respect to the
disciplinary, formal grievance, or other proceedings within fifteen (15) days
after the conclusion of the hearing. The panel shall render a written opinion
no later than thirty (30) days after the conclusion of the hearing, or after
the submission of any post hearing documentation to the panel.
4. Effect of decision: All AAP panel decisions shall be effective
upon the date rendered, unless otherwise stated in the decision.
L. Appeals: The decision of the
arbitrators may be appealed pursuant to USATF Regulation 11-P.
Amendment of September 27, 2012
At the 2012 Annual
Meeting the following sentence was added to the end of Section VIII, Paragraph
F, Sub-paragraph 2 (Election of Officers):
Requests for elections
must be made at least 45 days before the San Diego/Imperial Annual Meeting, and
the election must take place prior to the San Diego/Imperial Annual Meeting.